Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I just finished this!

Here we go, the first sketch to post on my blog. In my defense, part of this was done while consuming a good amount of sake... I do much better with a clear head. I had to put it up since I just finished it a few minutes ago:)


el said...

By the way, that is a chic with her hair up. And yes, there is suppose to be tension. That is actually my attempt to draw myself with never looking at the mirror or any picture. Everyone has a warped sense of what they look like.

Jessica said...

This looks like an ex clown without a job. You thought this looks like you? So, you see yourself as man? You are right, you do have a warped sense of what you look like. Thank god, you don't really look like that el.

el said...

No... I don't see myself as a man. I still see myself in that sketch. What makes it look like a man? So, an ex-clown without a job, eh? Interesting.... I knew that it would seem different to others, but I must be more warped than I thought.

Jessica said...

What makes it look like a man is it's body and hobo looking clothes.
Also it's face is manish. Looks like one of those sad hobo clowns that just broke his leg or somethin. But if you say it looks like you, then dammit, it does!