Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I love long hair... On guys

I decided that I can post today if I only take a couple of minutes. I have to get some stuff done, and I'm actually doing it for once. I want to say thanks for the compliments on my glasses picture. I greatly appreciate them.

Reading back through my post it seems like I was fishing for compliments. What's funny is that I wasn't. No really, I wasn't. No use with arguing with myself. I can think of one instance where I was. And I got a compliment from the Complimenting Commenter. That was kind of cool. But other than that I was just trying to get compliments on my hair. I like having short hair and Art said that if I wanted to cut my hair like that again that he would shave his head. I thought maybe I could change his mind. The reason for posting this picture...

I cut my hair while I was with my parents one day. So my hair is shorter and he still hasn't shaved it. Maybe I'm safe. You see, I have a thing for guys with longer hair. I'm sure you can tell with my art. And from my other pictures I have posted of guys such as these in April and May...


Its kind of funny though that I have not dated a guy with long hair in years. I'm really out of luck in that area with Art. We were going through old pictures of him before he joined the navy. This is one of them...

He says that he could never let his hair grow out that long; he'd look like a hippie. He thinks he looks like a hippie in that picture. I should expect that from someone in the military. He'll be cutting his hair the same way for the rest of his life. I'm cool with that... I've accepted that. I'm just nervous when it comes to him shaving his head. I like hair, even if he just has a little hair. I can understand it more if he was going bald or something, but he has a full head of hair. For now.

I'm not really going anywhere with this. My head is throbbing slightly, as it has been for the past couple of days. I need to get more work done, rather than writing about the fear of my boyfriend shaving his head. Its hair, it'll grow back... That is what I tell him about my hair. It'll grow back. Then I'll probably cut it again and this will start over. Yes, my life hasn't been incredibly exciting this summer. The fall semester will start soon and the trip to Miami will come before that. It's been nice taking time off for a short while. This is probably the last time I'll be able to do so, and I know many will never have what I have right now until they are retired. I have enjoyed it. But now I need to get back to writing about different types of sovereignty... Or something like that. Whitecastle burgers sound good too...

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