Thursday, March 24, 2005

Jess at New Years 2000

Jess at my first apartment when I was seventeen. What you don't see is the bottle of liquor she's holding out in the other hand.


Jessica said...

I look bad in this picture....
BADASS! Just kidding. I remember I was trying to puff out my stomach but the picture turned out looking like i was just fat! It's a funny picture though. Except I still wish I was that skinny... I think I was like 100 lbs or somethin. Back when guys used to actually ask me out :(

el said...

Whatever man, you don't look fat in this. I think I'm going to stop putting pictures of us up for awhile... our weight is a constant topic under those pics. It makes us seem rather obsessive over our image.

Jessica said...

There's a lot of people obsessive over their image... They just don't voice their opinions about it as much as we do probably.

el said...

Prob-bly, its kind of funny reading through these comments though. I realize just how much I obsess over how I look:)