Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Blogs to check out

I just made another change to my links. Friends and others I visit:

Blog is a dumb name!- Jess's blog; my best friend and an excellent poet (she's also a neuro-psychology major at UTSA). All the links to 'Our Project' with my art and her poetry are also to her blog. I think this is the blog I visit most frequently.

A Bunch of Shit Nobody Cares About- Derek's blog (new link); he's an architect major at UTA. So far his blog has been a journal and pics of his school projects.

Images and Words of a Juice Head- Jeremy's blog; he's a photographer at North Texas. He needs to put up more of his pictures (hope he reads this), he's a great photographer.

Impending Global Doom- Dave's blog; lives in Amarillo. This is his journal (mostly his life as a schitzeffective/schtzophrenic... whatever it is), not a political blog anymore (so the title doesn't quite fit anymore... that's cool though).

Same Shirt, different day- Yakiniku's blog (new link); a journal as he teaches english abroad in Japan.

Shades of Gray (Umbrae Canarum)- Phil's blog; the guy who introduced me to this new addiction called blogging and a fellow theorist in College Station. The content appears to be mostly politics and theology, anything to distract him from writing on his dissertation.

Please check them out! I'll write more later:)

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