Monday, May 02, 2005

Pictures will be up later:)

This weekend was nuts. Drama... Oh, do I hate it. So I get it on my birthday.

Lets see if I can do this quickly. Friday night was awsome. It was Jess, Bridget(a friend that is starting Texas State next semester) and I hanging out. A band dedicated a whole set to me... Greg is nice(the lead singer). Then Saturday I spent most of the day on the phone sitting around in my pajamas... not usual for me really. Then went out to Flying Saucer in San Antonio... I have pictures. Then ended the night not being able to escape Pat O'Brians, Jess and the driver getting into a fight in the car pulled over to the side of the highway and me leaving all my stuff in the little bitch's car. So I spent all of yesterday in San Antonio, not getting my stuff back till midnight, and getting my first speeding ticket going 75 mph on 1604... I go 75 mph on the highway all the time.

Okay, that is the short version. Now I am going to go back to working. I have no idea how I'll get all my shit done, but it must be done... or no more grad school for me. And that is not an option. Pictures will be up later for both Jess and I. That's about it.

So... Later.


el said...

Thanks man!

el said...

I'm glad I got my shit back from him. I'm not very use to that type of drama...

I'm just glad I can focus on just work. That is one thing I am good at:)

Everything is under my control with that. Laters you guys:)